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Posts posted by Leoyzen

  1. 9 hours ago, mattz said:


    Thank you , @ZooMass and @qwijibo for trying that latest AGESA.  It's disheartening it didn't work.  It sounds like, though, from the post below that it might ALSO require an updated Linux kernel.  I believe Unraid is working on this for the next version, but I am not sure when that will be released.


    @Leoyzen - When you upgraded the Linux Kernel for the fix, did you also have the latest AGESA BIOS for that x570?  Quite a few people on this thread are battling with the issues.

    Yes, I'm using 3700x and MSI X570 ACE with AGESA BIOS( which is the newest, MSI did not update for my board),and passthrough GPU works fine for me (I dont have meet the situation which the thread describe. I'm using RTX2070 for a Win 10/Ubuntu and RX560 for Win10/Hackintosh). I also tested benchmark (which have ~3% performance degraded compared to bare metal) and restart, all seems working for me.

    I don't know if it is a bug which latest kernel can solve, but you can try using the newest kernel with no harm (just backup your bzimage and bzmodules first) and see if it works.


    I'm fighting with some other problems the Zen 2 platform have, such as :

    1. when restarting or hibrating the vm, the vm enter pause state and cant be resume anymore, I must force stop the vm and start again to make it work

    2. Current AGESA has some issues which describe in reddit post , may report  " AER: Uncorrected (Non-Fatal) error received" in log seems related with Starship/Matisse GPP Bridge, but I cant see any bad behaviors for me yet

  2. Hi I just build a kernel to support X570 motherboard (mine is msi x570 ace) and latest AMD Ryzen 2 3000 family CPU.

    6.8.3 is out, here is the new kernel and some tweaks:

    • Add Vega Reset Patch
    • Add Navi Reset Patch
    • Enable NFSv4 in kernel(God damned, we finnaly get nfsv4 to work)
    • Add R8125 out tree driver.
    • AMD onboard audio/usb controller flr patch.
    • Provide two version (linux-5.5.8 and linux-4.19.108) in case of bug. Notice that linux-4.19.108 still don't have AMD Zen 2 suppport.


    Download url can be found in the latest comments.


    For those who want to use NFSv4:

    NFSv4 have some change compared to v2/v3, it must have root share and the nfs-utils version can't handle it well.You must add this script to UserScript Plugin triggered when array start:

    # Add NFSv4 root
    echo '"/mnt/user/" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=0 *(sec=sys,rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,all_squash,crossmnt)' >> /etc/exports
    # Load configuration
    exportfs -ra
    # Tunning
    mkdir -p /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery
    sed -i 's@/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 8@/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 32@g' /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd
    # Restart Services
    /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd restart

    And if you have trouble mount nfsv4, you can specify mount vers=3 on client.






    Edit at 2020.01.31


    The procedure of compiling kernel(you can compile it in other linux distribute or linux VMs):


    1. download kernel sources from kernel.org, notice that should be same or related version of unraid(like 4.19.94 which 6.8.2 used)
    2. unarchive the kernel source zip, like kernel-4.19.94/
    3. copy the patches and .config (important!) from unraid server which located at /usr/src (like /usr/src/linux-4.19.94-Unraid/) to step 2 source directory
    4. (Optional) copy custom patches like navi patches or others to source directory too
    5. apply patches: find . -type f -iname '*.patch' -print0|xargs -n1 -0 patch -p 1 -i
    6. use old config : make oldconfig
    7. compile the kernel and modules: make -j5 bzImage; make -j5; make -j5 modules
    8. installing the modules, then you can find the module directory in /lib/modules: sudo make modules_install
    9. Copy the kernel image: cp sources/linux-4.19.94/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage releases/6.8.2-4.19.94/bzimage
    10. (Optional) ThirdParty modules compiling (like nic r8125 outtree driver):
      1. enter the thirdparty driver directory
      2. compile the module: make -C /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid//build M=(pwd)/src modules
      3. install the module to direcotry: sudo make -C /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/build M=(pwd)/src INSTALL_MOD_DIR=kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/ modules_install
      4. you can check whether the module exists in /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/
    11. archive the modules to bzimage: mksquashfs /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/ releases/4.19.94/bzmodules -keep-as-directory -noappend
    12. Then you get the bzimage and bzmodules, copy it to unraid server: /boot/


    • Like 12
  3. 1 hour ago, Pducharme said:

    Unfortunately I don’t know how. Is that works on the UnRAID NVIDIA build of unraid?

    Of course the nvidia driver should be compiled for the newer kernel to work.Linuxserver has provided the script to build the plugin.

    I release the kernel, see this thread: [KERNEL]custom build kernel 5.2.7 for latest Ryzen 3000 and X570 sensors suppport and r8125 driver.

    See if it helps

  4. On 7/18/2019 at 8:17 AM, Pducharme said:

    Finally, ASUS removed all WMI interfaces for the Sensors in the X570 boards.  It means it can work with the System.Temp plugin if @bonienl update his plugins.  Lots of new AMD boards are using the Nuvoton nct6775 driver.  The « DETECT » is currently broken because it use a old version of « sensors-detect » script.  I tried manually putting the latest version, but the GUI doesn’t seems to care and doesn’t find the sensors or even what driver it should load.  Running the latest « sensors-detect » return the Driver name (Nuvoton) and seems available in the modprobe folder (don’t know if the version is high enough since i’m not able to make it work).

    It's not a problem of sensor-detect script but the board is too new to be supported by the nct6775 driver we current used in Unraid 6.7.0.

    I compiled the newest kernel 5.2.7 mannually the sensors all work properly with System.Temp plugins.You should try. 

  5. On 3/28/2019 at 4:26 AM, lixe said:

    Was someone able to install the latest version of clover (4895)?


    I'm using 4674 right now an it works absolutely fine. If I update to 4895 or 4901 (which was released nearly an hour ago), I can't boot anymore. I get stuck at the TianoCore logo.


    I've discovered a new driver AudioDxe-64.efi, which I guessed I won't need anyway and sounds like it could cause problems. After deleting it it shows "clover 4895, scan entries". But nothing more happens. Tried it with HFSPlus.efi and VBoxhfs.efi, neither worked and also not both at the same time...


    Beside that, I don't use any unusual drivers. Also tried replacing the new drivers64UEFI folder with my backed up one, but won't boot either.


    The image attached shows all the driver I'm currently using with clover 4674.

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-27 um 21.24.00.png



    I've also tried removing my old drivers64UEFI folder before the installation, so all drivers will get installed. After that I've copied the Apple* ones over, but also doesn't work.



    So I found a version which could maybe work (4862 from tonymacx86). My external USB backup drive (HFS+) is recognized. But usually I'm using an NVMe drive with APFS. I'm pretty sure the APFS filesystem isn't working properly... and I've already tried different drivers.



    Finally got it working (at least 4862 from tonymacx86). The problem was ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi. Had to delete it completely and instead use only apfs-patched.efi. Now its working so far :)

    I found something interesting according here, you should use qcow2 instead of raw to make new version clover work.

    But it not seems to recognized my apfs dirver, only hfs+ works

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