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Posts posted by grinder.madman

  1. Hi

    I'm having trouble finding a solution to my current issue.

    I recently removed a dual NIC PCIe card and since then unraid will bootup ok, but it can take 10 minutes before the web interface is accessible.

    Within this 10 minute period I can ping unraid IP from other machines. I can ssh in and see that the shares are mounted. But cannot access web interface via IP or url, or any other dockers via http, or access shares via SMB.

    When I can finally access it, there is some weird text shown in the dashboard interface section. screenshot attached.

    The 'route' command can take up to 30 seconds to display the results. Something strange is going on with the network, really appreciate any help . . .thank you



  2. Hi

    I'm having trouble finding a solution to my current issue.

    I recently removed a dual NIC PCIe card and since then unraid will bootup ok, but it can take 10 minutes before the web interface is accessible.

    Within this 10 minute period I can ping unraid IP from other machines. I can ssh in and see that the shares are mounted. But cannot access web interface via IP or url, or any other dockers via http, or access shares via SMB.

    When I can finally access it, there is some weird text shown in the dashboard interface section. screenshot attached.

    The 'route' command can take up to 30 seconds to display the results. Something strange is going on with the network, really appreciate any help . . .thank you






  3. Need some assistance with a failed cache pool recovery

    SSD1 of 2 failed.

    Have taken the array offline, set to 1 device and attempted to restart array. Got a 'unmountable no pool uuid' error.

    Tried a 'btrfs rescue chunk-recover -v /dev/sdb1', now I get a 'unmountable: no file system' error

    Is there still a way back to recover the data, or even mount the former btrfs pool pair?

    Any help appreciated.


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