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Everything posted by ygrichman

  1. @Log1x Wow that looks a lot better, I saw the settings to do this in the API but decided not to push my luck, as I was happy just to get it working at all. Will definitely switch to this, thanks.
  2. I've worked around the issue manually, I'll post it here in case anyone else has the same issue. Make sure the Slack notification service is enabled. Open the terminal and enter this: cd /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/notifications/agents sudo nano Slack.sh Delete the script that is already there and replace it with the one below. Remember to add your Discord Webhook URL (don't add /slack to the end) and modify the message format if you want. #!/bin/bash ############ #Insert Your Discord Webhook URL (Don't add /slack to the end) WEBH_URL="" #Enter Your Messaging Format (Look at Unraid GUI for the names of the available variables to use here) #(Also Supports Markdown formatting such as the **BOLD** markup I use in below example) MESSAGE="**$SUBJECT**\n$DESCRIPTION\n$CONTENT" ############ curl -k -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"content\": \"$MESSAGE\"}" $WEBH_URL 2>&1 The default message format I've used in the script will look like this in Discord: From this point on do not edit the Slack settings in Unraid's GUI as it will most likely overwrite the modifications you've made. You can still use the Test button. Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you need any help with this.
  3. I just tried switching to just subject and description but I still don't get anything apart from occasional messages that are just some asterisks. Weird Issue.
  4. Does this method still work, as it only works for me if I select one thing to send (Timestamp, Description, etc..). When I select multiple the test doesn't send anything.
  5. Been using unraid for over a year now for running a home server and have had no issues and much prefer it to my old setup of running Ubuntu Server. Thanks for all your hard work.
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