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Posts posted by MacDingo

  1. Well after countless hours of trying to get this docker started I finally managed to reach the login screen. Thanks to the pointers about the issue with special characters in the password. Mine did not have a # but had a few other special characters: }[24+KsM;7=)AVe24zHR64U2NtLG/RH

    It would not generate any error and I would just get a blank screen after launching the docker. The database would stay empty too.

    Changing my password from the above to one without special characters did the trick!

    Just in case this helps anyone else

  2. @Harlequin42


    I am ashamed but I actually do not remember how I fixed it! :(

    I think the first problem was to understand where even to see them (I think you had to go to the advanced view). But it seems you already did that.

    Since the app data is still there, I think it was just a matter of deleting and recreating the container (it then used the same app data).

    Sorry, maybe not much help I know...

  3. OK so I found a new piece of the puzzle (for me at least):

    Just as you, both my docker image's data is still visible in the 'app data' folder.

    When I switch to 'advanced view' in the Docker screen, my missing containers are now displayed at the bottom as "orphaned images".

    Not sure what happened, as I had just installed them and not done any custom configuration. I had simply started them...


    I guess the easiest will be to remove the orphans and reinstall... I'll remove the app data as well just in case...


  4. Not sure if I should start a new threat or if this is a similar issue, but I just installed 2 new dockers, there were running fine, but all of a sudden they have disappeared from my docker list. All my other other ones are still there...

    Is there a limit to the number of dockers being displayed on the page?

    I currently have 26 (plus the missing ones)

  5. Greetings,


    I am currently using the built-in network ports of my motherboard for my UnRAID server. All fine and good.


    I would like to install PfSense in a VM and for that I would like to purchase an additional NIC card, preferably with 4 ports.


    I watched SpaceInvader's pfSense series, were he recommends using NICs with original INTEL chips.


    Are there, more generally speaking, any specific models that are known to work really well with UnRAID?


    Any specific recommendations would be very helpful 😀

  6. Hi @testdasi

    I had passed the Nvidia audio portion through and the sound card appears in the device manager just fine. I don't have any errors in the device manager.


    So, I get audio through my screen (display port connection), my headset and even through remote VNC, but not through my speakers (!).

    I tried connecting other speakers (in case) but no sound there either. And yes I did volume checks as well :)


    I downloaded the MSI file but when I launch it, strangely enough the window stays empty (nothing to select as per SpaceInvader's video).

    Is it maybe no longer compatible with the recent UnRAID releases? (I'm on 6.8.3)


    Btw, I haven't yet re-disabled the built-in eGPU as per your first reply. After so many months of not getting the Nvidia card to work, I am hesitant to screw up my VM and not being able to get it back working again (but I did copies of the vdisk.img).


    Well I guess some more tinkering ahead :D


  7. @testdasi 

    I would like to report progress, and it is GOOD progress (yeah!).

    After activating the iGPU in the BIOS I simply rebooted my VM and... the error code 43 was gone!

    The 1080 card is properly listed and I do get the output on the monitor directly attached to the PC.

    We're making progress! :D


    So I now have one item in my device manager that is no longer recognized (not sure which one it is) and my audio doesn't seem to work (except through my headset). So a few things I still need to look into, but I am quite happy already so far!


    On a side note, with regards to using the right Nvidia drivers:

    1) Should I stay on the default Windows ones? Use the Geforce Experience ones or some other regular Nvidia drivers?

    2) I assume that once I opt for a version I can safely update them within the VM going forward (through direct download.update)?

  8. @testdasi Many thanks for that detailed answer!

    Well great, that gives me some new things to try out! :)


    My CPU is an Intel i7-6700K Processor (6th gen Skylake). 

    According to spec sheet I should indeed have an Intel HD Graphics 530 on board, so back to the BIOS to check that out.


    For the BIOS dumping I had followed SpaceInvader's video, but did indeed that with my 1080 being the only active card in the system.


    I will follow your instructions and see where that takes me.


    Thanks for the quick and extensive answer, you just gave me new hope :D


    I will post a follow-up as soon as I have new and relevant information!

  9. Greetings dear UnRAIDers,

    I converted my former gaming PC into an UnRAID server and overall things are working quite well.


    The ONE thing I still cannot get to work is the passthrough of my single "Zotac GeForce GTX 1080 AMP Extreme 8GB" into Windows VMs.
    My motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 7.
    I do not game much but I would like to still be able to use my rather powerful PC as a gaming device from time to time (no dual boot).

    This PC still has it's own screen, keyboard and mouse (which I understand should help with having something plugged into the graphics card)


    I have watched tons of videos and tried all possible things I could find in the forums:

    1)Ensure the 1080 has its own IOMMU group:

    IOMMU group 15:    [10de:1b80] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 [GeForce GTX 1080] (rev a1)
    IOMMU group 16:    [10de:10f0] 01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1) 

    2) Editing the XML to ensure the virtualised graphic and sound carda are using the "same slot"

    3) Dumped my 1080 bios and added it to the VM template


    Yet I have still been unable to get around that Error43 code.


    Now I read that many people are using a cheap second graphic card to make THAT ONE the main one for UnRAID and free up the more powerful graphics cards for the VM.


    If it's what it takes to finally solve my problem I'd happily buy another card but:

    1) How good are the odds that this really solves the issue

    2) Is there are card that people here have tried that has a "proven" compatibility with UnRAID

    3) Should I go for another Nvidia card or something different.


    PS: Incidentally, if someone happens to have that same motherboard and graphics card and managed to get things to work, I'd love to hear from you!!


    Any thoughts and advice greatly welcome! :)

  10. On 2/17/2020 at 11:50 PM, aptalca said:

    1) fully automated

    2) daily

    3) sure, edit the crontabs/root file in the config folder and restart the container


    PS. If you do dns or duckdns validation, you don't need to keep any ports open or forwarded as they are not used for validation

    Hi again
    One more clarification please :)


    Below is the content of the root file in the crontab folder:



    # do daily/weekly/monthly maintenance
    # min   hour    day     month   weekday command
    */15    *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/15min
    0       *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/hourly
    0       2       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/daily
    0       3       *       *       6       run-parts /etc/periodic/weekly
    0       5       1       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/monthly
    # renew letsencrypt certs
    8       2       *       *       *       /app/le-renew.sh >> /config/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log 2>&1



    Am I reading this correctly, if I interpret that as below?


    Monthly maintenance is run every FIRST day of the month at 5.00 AM
    Weekly maintenance is run every SATURDAY at 3.00 AM
    Daily maintenance is run every DAY at 2.00 AM
    Certificate renewal is run every DAY at 2.08 AM?

    1) Not sure how to read the 15 mins and hourly lines... but that's really for my own curiosity

    2) Since there is a daily maintenance already, what would be the point in having the weekly and monthly active too?
    3) Is the daily renewal done at 2.08 AM in order not to conflict with the 2.00AM maintenance?
    4) Finally, if I want to set the renewal to 7PM, I guess I just replace the '2' with '19'?

    Thanks again :)

  11. Greetings

    I have a couple of questions regarding the (automated?) certificate renewal of the LetsEncrypt container:


    I have recently set up my first reverse proxy following Ed's tutorial and everything seems to be working fine.


    Since I am not yet actively running any apps behind the reverse proxy, I have stopped the LetsEncrypt container and closed the relevant ports on my firewall.

    However, I now have received my first email notification saying my certs will expire in the coming 2 weeks.


    My understanding is, and please correct me if I am wrong, that while the container is actively running, there is a Cron job running every night at 2 AM to auto-renew the certs?


    1) Is that a fully automated renewal where I don't need to do anything? Or do I need to push any commands manually?


    2) Is that a daily or a weekly check? I seem to have read contradicting statements about this.


    3) Is it possible for me to modify that 2AM hour and set my own time of the day? Since I am not actively running the container for now I'd rather not wait until 2AM to try it out. Yes I know I can just leave it running and check the next day, but I am still very cautious about having ports 80 and 443 open to the Internet. For now I would prefer just to open the ports on a per need basis when I renew the certs.


    Many thanks in advance for any clarifications and guidance :)

  12. Yes I managed to get it to work.

    The issue seemed to be on the Synology side somehow with my existing user. I suspect some conflict with mounting the shares both from my computer and UnRAID at the same time.

    I ended up creating a new user on the Synology that I dedicate to accessing the media library.

    - Create a new user

    - Make sure he has the right permissions to READ the share on which your media library is stored (e.g. MEDIA)

    - In UnRAID, add //DISKSTATION/MEDIA with those credentials (use the name of your Synology or its IP address)


    Hope that will work for you too



  13. Version: 6.7.2 + Unassigned Devices plug-in


    Greetings :)

    I have set up the PlexPass Docker container and am now trying to make my media, which is hosted on a separate Synology NAS, visible to my Plex docker as my media is not yet stored on my array.


    Using the Unassigned Devices plug-in, I am attempting to add a remote SMB share but no luck so far:

    In the UD plugin, I put in the IP of my Synology and search for servers. It properly locates my server under its host name. I select that and enter both a username and password for an account that I know has the proper access rights for the share.

    When pressing the 'Load Shares' button, I get a quick loading animation but no shares are listed to be selected.


    I tried adding the share manually in different ways, but I can't get that to work either.
    I tried things such as:
    All allow me to add the remote share but the subsequent mounting does not work.


    What am I missing here?
    The share mounts with no issues on other devices.

    The Synology is also configured to allow for SMB1-3 protocols, so UnRAID will try SMB3 first then the others if I am not mistaken.


    Any thoughts?

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