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    UnRaid v6.7.2 Motherboard: ASUS AM4 TUF GAMING X570 CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 2x32GB 2666 MHz
    Chassis: Antec P101 Slient Black NIC: Realtek L8200A DRIVES: 4x8TB WD RED and 4x4TB Segate

    Storage: SanDisk Ultrafit 16GB USB, HGST 3.8TB NVME cache,

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  1. 6.12.3 - but now it is working fine... hmmmm
  2. Same thing for me - Incognito, Safari, Chome - nothing is working.
  3. Thanks for the info. I have backed up my flash drive in 3 locations Along with a screenshot of the drive setup. I will not be caught again!
  4. Thanks - but I had done that process a while back but it appears it didn't take. So, I had no way of downloading a backup. As I mentioned above, I was able to manually recover via a new stick and coping over from the old stick. Not an official way of doing it, but it worked.
  5. I was able to recover everything… My Hail Mary: Took a new flash drive that worked, copied all of the files to another new flash drive (Kensington)… Then took my original drive that wouldn’t boot and copied all of the files from it to the Kensington drive, overwriting duplicates. Booted the Kensington drive and it loaded correctly. Just had to update the GUID, logout/in of My Servers. All dockers and drives are running perfectly. Was able to download a zip of flash drive via My Servers and took a screenshot of the drive layout for extra protection… I’ll never not do a backup of the flash drive again… lesson learned.
  6. Greetings everyone, In a bit of a bind... I attempted to upgrade to 6.10.3 this evening and upon boot, this error came up: Loading /bzimage.. failed: No such file or directory I have no backup of the flashdrive locally. (I know, totally my fault) I logged into My Servers via my pc and I cannot locate any of the backup files for my server. I know that I did enable it. All I see is the download key option. Any ideas? Thanks
  7. I have the same problem.. any ideas? Tried Edge and Chrome - no dice
  8. Right! Sorry about that. I see what you meant on the other thread. Thanks
  9. @trurl I re-read it... still not finding it. From that link: If using the mover tuning plugin first thing to do is to check its settings or remove it and try without it just to rule it out. I had the plugin removed use cache pool option for the share(s) is not correctly set, see here for more details but basically cache=yes moves data from pool to array, cache=prefer moves data from array to pool, cache=only and cache=no options are not touched by the Mover. All share in question were Cache=Yes files are open, they already exist or there's not enough space in the destination, enable Mover logging (Settings -> Scheduler -> Mover Settings) and it will show in the syslog what the error is. Were not open, did not exist (false error, in my opinion), more than enough space Checked the logs, the only error was 'file exists' of which it didn't in the array if it's a not enough space error note that split level overrides allocation method, also minimum free space for the share(s) must be correctly set, usual recommendation is to set it to twice the max file size you expect to copy/move to that share. Allocation method was not an issue File Exists error... The issue that I have is the mover attempted to move the file, threw a file exists error when one didn't exist. In my opinion, the error should have mentioned that the two shares in question had their cache drives set to two different pools. Once I aligned the shares with the same cache pool, all was good.
  10. Understood with Krusader... But still doesn't explain Mover not moving the files unless they are coming from the same cache drive.
  11. Thanks for that. Understood that it's a Krusder issue for when I 'move' from downloads to Plex... But why did the Mover not move? It would not move until I made Plex use the same cache drive. Also - shouldn't this be updated to reflect the issue?:
  12. Greetings, Original troubleshooting thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/114377-mover-not-moving/?tab=comments#comment-1040527 Solution (last comment on that thread): My download share settings: My (original) Plex Media share settings: So... you can't have one share (WORP_Downloads) on one cache pool (Download_Cache) and another share (Plex Media) that you will copy to on another cache pool (Cache). Changed Plex Media share to use Download_Cache and Mover now moves without issue. In my opinion, if I moved files (under 'user' via Krusader) from WORP_Download [Download_cache] to Plex Media [Cache] - unRaid should have moved the files to the cache drive named Cache. Then, at 3am, Mover would have moved to the array. This would be inefficient of course. Having an error stating that 'file exists' doesn't point to having different cache settings between shares, thus was super hard to figure out. So, I see three options: This is bug with cache pools or This setup should not be done, thus noted in the wiki (I haven't looked) or This is normal behavior but the error should be updated to reflect the two cache pools are 'competing' Opinions/Comments? PS - I had recently setup two cache pools. Previously all cache data was saved to a cache named "Cache". After changing the setup to have two cache pools, I never thought to change the Plex Media share cache pool setting until my friend mentioned it until today. (I have not uploaded my diag zip file due to privacy concerns (even with 'Anonymize diagnostics' turned on) - I can send the file if needed via email)
  13. Finally! Figured it out (thanks to a friend of mine looking over my shoulder): My download share settings: My (original) Plex Media share settings: So... you can't have one share (WORP_Downloads) on one cache pool (Download_Cache) and another share (Plex Media) that you will copy to on another cache pool (Cache). Changed Plex Media share to use Download_Cache and Mover now moves without issue. In my opinion, if I moved files (under 'user' via Krusader) from WORP_Download [Download_cache] to Plex Media [Cache] - unRaid should have moved the files to the cache drive named Cache. Then, at 3am, Mover would have moved to the array. This would be inefficient of course. Having an error stating that 'file exists' doesn't point to having different cache settings between shares, thus was super hard to figure out. So, I see three options: This is bug with cache pools or This setup should not be done, thus noted in the wiki (I haven't looked) or This is normal behavior but the error should be updated to reflect the two cache pools are 'competing' Opinions/Comments? PS - I had recently setup two cache pools. Previously all cache data was saved to a cache named "Cache". After changing the setup to have two cache pools, I never thought to change the Plex Media share cache pool setting until my friend mentioned it until today.
  14. hmmm... Removed about 10 duplicates and invoked the mover... still not moving. None of the files in Download_cache\Plex Media exists in user0\Plex Media via Krusader or MC but the mover thinks so. Attached the latest diag file.
  15. Thanks so much... Off to search and destroy.
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