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  1. So I've been having some trouble with unRAID since I migrated over from Server 2016. The server seems to crash at a random time, sometimes taking 3 days to get there and sometimes (like today) twice per day. Suddenly any active streams over Emby will stop, all shares will be inaccessible and I can't get to the web UI as it times out. I've plugged in a monitor to get the syslog on the screen and the screen just goes black after it crashes. The GUI option however will freeze on the desktop and my mouse and keyboard will become unresponsive. Things I've tried: Swapping RAM, I've now tried three DIMMS from more than one computer, one at a time, and the server will still crash. Running memtest, I've run it with each DIMM for over 24 hours, still nothing. Not starting any Docker containers, the server still seems to crash with nothing loaded. 6.8.0-rc1 - Just incase there was an issue with the previous version, I've installed it yesterday and it's since crashed twice. My specs are as follows: i7 3770 no overclock ASUS P8H77-M LGA 1155 motherboard 1x8GB DDR3 1600 (Did have 3x8 but haven't got to putting them back in) Dell PERC H310 flashed to it mode 2x2TB Seagate HDDs 1x10TB WD Parity & 500GB WD SSD for caching I've attached the diagnostics as well as the syslog from the 3rd Oct 2019. Any help would be greatly appreciated. filmserver-diagnostics-20191014-1339.zip syslog-
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