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Posts posted by MX-Hero

  1. Moin in die Runde


    Folgende Situation:

    Ich habe 4 HDD´s, eine Parity und eine SSD im Array laufen. Die SSD hat den gesamten Appdata Ordner (da es mich störte das wegen kleinen Aktivitäten in irgendwelchen Docker Containern die HDD´s hoch liefen und eigentlich nie wirklich in den Standby gegangen sind). Das funktioniert nach wie vor auch gut. Jetzt würde ich den Server gern in den Sleep schicken da er ja nicht Stundenlang sinnlos laufen muss wenn keiner da ist. Das S3 Sleep Plugin überwacht ja das Array und da die SSD mit dem Appdata Ordner Teil dieses ist, würde die Kiste ja nie in den Sleep gehen?!


    Deshalb die Frage an euch, ob ihr Ideen habt wie ich das am besten lösen könnte. Könnte ich die SSD (die jetzt Teil des Arrays ist) zu einem Cache Drive umfunktionieren und dort Appdata und Co drauf legen? Das S3 Sleep Plugin kann das Cache Drive ja ignorieren.



  2. On 12/30/2021 at 8:27 PM, mgutt said:


    Ok, I solved it as follows:


      # stop docker container
      if [[ $( uname -r ) == *"Unraid"* ]]; then
        host_path=${src_path/\/mnt\/$( echo "$src_path" | grep -oP "(?<=/mnt/).*(?=/)")//mnt/.*}
      for container_id in $(echo "$docker_mounts" | grep -oP ".*?(?=:$host_path)" | uniq); do
        container_name=$(docker container inspect -f '{{ .Name }}' "$container_id")
        echo "Stop container $container_name as it uses $host_path"
        #docker stop "$container_id"


    Now I need to expand this to support SSH sources as well.



    i want to try this because i get failed backups if i backup my appdata folder. Is it possible to start the stopped container after backup finished?

  3. 1 minute ago, ich777 said:

    Yep, only said this because in the previous screenshot you had the origonal entries in the template and only changed the ports, that was my point. ;)

    Sent from my C64


    It wasn´t me. It was Forsco. :-)
    Hope he got it now. 
    Do you can help me with my Problem? No connection to the second Server. "Invalid Authentification Token"

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Forsco said:


    I'm confused by what you mean here


    The three template fields were changed with a +1 increment and all three port params were put into the Game param field. Is there something else I am missing?


    Delete, create new one and set the extra game parameter.

    my look like this and it work:




  5. i try to run 2 satisfactory Server, too. 

    I am able to run 2 Server, everyone has it´s own config and folder. This works.
    Important: you must DELETE the default three entrys in the docker config for the ports and create new one for 7778, 15778 and 15001. Then it will be work. I have made the same mistake in the first attempt´s.


    But my problem is, i can not connect to the second Server. The first run´s great with default ports. The second with modified Ports give me the error "invalid authentification token". i don´t know why...


  6. Hi all

    i setup a ARK Server and everything works fine. But i can´t get the mods to work. I download the mods via my Steam Workshop - Run Ark to let them install. Then copy the mod folders and the mod files to "unraid Server\appdata\ark-se\ShooterGame\Content\Mods" - After this i add "?ActiveMods=731604991" at the Game Parameter field in the Container config. 

    But no mods are still there after a server restart. 

    Have i forget somethng?

  7. 10 hours ago, Djoss said:

    I think you are looking for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time" in container's settings.

    Hey Djoss,

    no, i don´t looking for that. It´s not the same. I have configured 30 seconds for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time". So the script checks every 30 seconds if there are running operations inside the folder. if a download or copy takes about 30 minutes, the log file is full of "chicking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - .... and so on.

    The "SETTLE_DURATION=" monitor the folder permanently. It detects a change inside the folder and wait so long if there are no operation or changes for 30 seconds, then the amc will start.

    So the main difference between these two are: The Input Stable Timer detect a change, wait for x seconds and try again. The Settle_Duration detect a change and wait till there a no more changes for x seconds.

  8. Hi

    I came from the old Filebot Docker and there was a "SETTLE_DURATION=" option in the filebot.conf. Is it possible to insert this? I don´t know how, because there is no filebot.conf in this Docker. The "MAX_WAIT_TIME" and "MIN_PERIOD" are in the Docker Options but no "SETTLE_DURATION".

    I attached a screenshot from the old filebot.conf. 

    filebot conf screen.PNG

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