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Posts posted by drawmonster

  1. Yeah, I've heard from smarter people than me that /dev/shm/ should work fine. But it's hard to recommend it to people when there is an "official" way posted here. Maybe a mod/dev could update the OP with this alternate way so we can post links to here for "proof"?

  2. 44 minutes ago, ninthwalker said:


    There are different reasons stats can fail. Hard to pinpoint sometimes.

    One common one for example, would be say you set 'Days to report on' to 2 days. And then no one watched anything in 2 days. The top user stat would fail as there was none. In the future for the logging, maybe I'll try and say 'no stat found' instead of fail if there was none found to differentiate.


    Here is something you can do though to test. Manually use the below URL to navigate to the failed stat from the Tautulli API and see if there is a stat listed there. Change the Ip to your Ip, your port, your base url (if using in tautulli) and your tautulli token. (All found on the stats tab in NowShowing). Also change the time_range=# to the number you are using in the 'Days to report' on the report tab in NowShowing.




    Then drill down to this xml section in your browser and see if there is a stat listed:


    For top user:

    Data: 7

     Rows: 0

      user: ??


    For Most Streams:

    Data: 9

      Rows: 0

       Count: ??


    See attached screenshot for an example.





    I did the test like you suggested and both items had data listed for them in the XML. They also have data listed for them on the Tautulli home screen under "Most Active Users" and "Most Concurrent Steams". 


    Is there anything else I can try to get those two stats working?

  3. I've got Now Showing V2 up and running on my Unraid server. All seems to working except for a couple of the statistics.


    I, [2019-01-04T23:31:58.008141 #1441]  INFO -- : Script complete.  Ran in 116.799115386 seconds
    I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.965926 #1441]  INFO -- : Adding Statistics from Tautulli to webpage report
    I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506471 #1441]  INFO -- : Top User Stat failed
    I, [2019-01-04T23:31:57.506387 #1441]  INFO -- : Most Streams Stat failed

    So everything works except those two stats. I check the container logs for NowShowing, and found nothing there. So I ran a test report again, and then checked the API logs for Tautulli.


    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_libraries', 'apikey': u'********ac'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'y_axis': u'duration', 'time_range': u'7'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_plays_by_hourofday', 'y_axis': u'duration', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'time_range': u'7'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'y_axis': u'duration', 'time_range': u'7'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_plays_by_dayofweek', 'y_axis': u'duration', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'time_range': u'7'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: Cleaned kwargs: {'stats_type': u'0', 'time_range': u'7'}
    2019-01-05 22:42:31	DEBUG	Tautulli APIv2 :: API called with kwargs: {'cmd': u'get_home_stats', 'apikey': u'********ac', 'stats_type': u'0', 'time_range': u'7'}

    That's all I found after the test report generated. Is there some setting or something I'm missing to get the "Top User" and "Most Streams" stat to work?

  4. On 4/17/2018 at 9:26 PM, Snipe3000 said:

    Has anyone been having problems with their Nextcloud docker not being able to be stopped?

    The only way I've been able to stop my array or reboot is to do a hard shutdown, which can't be good. Is there a command line or something that will force Nextcloud to stop?

    I came here looking for the same answer. I've had 3 separate occasions in the last week where Nextcloud would not shut down, no matter what. I couldn't take the array off line, couldn't turn docker off, and couldn't reboot or power down via CLI or GUI. I had to actually go to the server and hit reset.


    Anyone else had this?

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