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Issue with disk 1 hdd - Diag attached


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I have a disk that has not failed but is vibrating more than the other three (all four are the same model hdd)


The one that has started vibrating is Disk 1 HGST_HDN726060ALE614_K1GZ664D (sdd)


Any ideas if the drive is fine to continue using or if its dieing? It isn't throwing any errors.


Did I attach the diagnostic file right? Its uploaded as the zip, I tried to upload it unzipped but it wouldn't let me.





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4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

SMART looks fine, difficult to say if the vibration is a real problem or not without any SMART or device errors.


When touching the other three they have no vibration, I cant even tell they are running. But this one is vibrating bad enough that I could hear it outside the case from several feet away. 


I have swapped its bay location with another drive to make sure it wasnt something with the case and the vibration followed the drive, so I'm certain it's the drive.


Do you guys think I should just ride it out until it starts throwing errors? If it's not throwing errors, can I safely assume the vibration isnt bad enough to cause issues?

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I recently upgraded my parity hdd and have that old 6TB parity drive sitting in unassigned devices....was planning to add it to the array but havent yet.  Should I swap it with my vibrating disk, then while the vibrating one is unassigned I could maybe preclear it or something to test it? 


Would it be possible for that to correct the drive? Or would it just be irrelevant hassle and if it's not showing errors just keep using it as is?

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