Gunbot (automated cryptocurrency trading)

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Hello all, 


If like me you like to trade cryptocurrency and want to utilise your UNRAID server, whilst at the same time wanting to know what is inside the container due to the nature of crypto trading, then I hope this guide helps. 


I wanted to have Gunbot run in a Docker for ease and simplicity and so with the latest release, I have got it up and running via the following;



*Download the latest build from;



Build the Docker Image;

1) Create a Dockerfile containing the following;

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y curl unzip
#RUN curl -o
RUN unzip

WORKDIR lin_v14
RUN chmod +x gunthy-linux
ENTRYPOINT ["./gunthy-linux"]


2) Place both the downloaded file ( and the Dockerfile into the same folder. 


3) Via Terminal, navigate to the folder were the above two files are located and run the following command to build;

docker build -t gunbot .


4) Lastly, run the following command to start the container;

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name gunbot gunbot


That's it! With a bit of luck you will now have your own Gunbot docker instance running. 


Hope this helps as much as it did for me learning how to run it. 


Any suggestions and/or recommendations, are gladly welcome, this is my first attempt at anything like this. 



Edited by LoneTraveler
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Hey LoneTraveler,


I really appreciate you taking the time to post this, as it's exactly what I am looking for. Discouragingly, I'm stuck at the very first step and my hour of searching has proven fruitless. Are you able to elaborate on how you built the docker file? Did you use Unraid's docker GUI or simply create a text file, and if so, was that file a .txt file?


Thanks for the help

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  • 11 months later...

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