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Unraid VM much slower than VM in QNAP


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Hi all!


I recently tried built an unRaid server with the following specs, to double as workstation. My previous "workstation" was a VM in my old QNAP which was working fine, is just limited in the GPU it supports, hence this new build. However, out the box I noticed VM in unRaid is substantially slower ( I can see block of pixels being rendered) than VM in my QNAP (which is more fluid and i can't really see the pixels being rendered) and despite trying to read the posts in the forum, I am yet to find a solution for it.


My Qnap runs on AMD Ryzen 1600x with 32GB 2133Mhz, on 1TB SSD 970 EVO  NVME


My unRaid server spec:

  • AMD Ryzen 3600X
  • 64GB 3200Mhz
  • Nvidia RTX 3090 ( also tried with GTX 1080ti)


My VM resides in an NVME SSD Unassigned Device (Samsung Evo 500GB 970 Evo) ( which I read is best for VM performance). Below is my VM specifications as well as my  Array set up.






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I just retried creating a new VM with Ubuntu 20.04 and still same issue, even during installation it can be felt how laggy/slow it is.


However, I just tested with Ubuntu 18 and it is completely different feeling, it is much faster and smoother much like it was in QNAP or better.


Hence, it seems to be some issue with Ubuntu 20.04, not sure exactly what as the VM template was the same.

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I've had some similar problems.  Things to check- do you have virtualization in BIOS on?  Why are you passing all of the available memory? Maybe try something like 8 GB?  What does your CPU usage look like on the dashboard when it is running?


Try posting your config XML. It may reveal something off. 

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