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Help needed in migrating to new HDD

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I'm running unraid using a 500GB SSD along with 10TB HDD as unassigned drive. The setup is close to perfect for my requirement. Now I would like to remove SSD and replace it with a 14 TB HDD in its place.

I need some help in figuring out safest way to migrate all the data from SDD to HDD and make it the primary array device.

Below is my structure. If i need to copy folders into new HDD(/mnt/disks/WDC*), which specific folders do i need to copy? or do i need to copy everything in / into new HDD? is there any specific process after copy or can i replace SDD with HDD in the array and reboot the system.


Thanks in advance!


root@tower:/# tree -L 1
├── bin
├── boot
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── hugetlbfs
├── init -> /sbin/init
├── lib
├── lib64
├── mnt
├── opt
├── proc
├── root
├── run
├── sbin
├── sys
├── tmp
├── usr
└── var


root@tower:/# tree -L 2 /mnt/
├── disk1
   ├── DataShare
   ├── Download
   ├── SHARE
   ├── appdata
   ├── domains
   ├── isos
   ├── pure-ftpd
   └── system
├── disks
   ├── EasyStore
   └── WDC_WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0_9LG7XZ4A
├── remotes
└── user
    ├── DataShare
    ├── Download
    ├── SHARE
    ├── appdata
    ├── domains
    ├── isos
    ├── pure-ftpd
    └── system



Edited by Sachin
added array screenshot
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