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Dropdown selection list for drives on VM create/edit form

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For easy management of VMs, I would vote for a dropdown selection list on the VM create/edit form.


1.) This dropdown selection list would include all unused devices *).


2.) It would be possible to add and remove devices from the VM create/edit form. The dropdown selection list will reflect added/removed devices.


3.) After VM creation, the devices used for this VM will get the passed-thru indicator within Unassigned Devices.


4.) A standard XML block like the following will be added to this VM for every selected device:


    <disk type='block' device='disk'>
        <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
        <source dev='/dev/disk/by-id/********'/>
        <target dev='vd*' bus='virtio'/>



*) This list would contain all non-array and non-boot devices that are not marked as passed-thru within Unassigned Devices and are not selected on the current VM create/edit form.


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