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Random drive issues over last few weeks/months

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I don't recall exactly when this started, but it seemed to coincide with the 6.9 RCs or Betas, though it likely was just coincidence.  I have been getting frequent drive faults, warnings and just outright failures.  Every time, as far as I can tell the drives have shown as passed on the subsequent SMART diagnostics.  The first few were limited to one of the cache drives dropping out, and causing the cache to be inaccessible, which is where I had all my appdata folder etc.   Since then I moved my appdata and VM stuff to an unassigned NVME drive.  Based on the errors at the time I suspected that I had a bad SATA cable.  The cables I had were mostly from many previous PC builds and I really didn't know how old they were so I replaced most of them with new.  I have my drives spread across 2 controllers.  Most the array drives are on my LSI controller.  The cache and Parity drives are on the motherboard's built in SATA controller.  Since changing the cables I continue to have drive faults.  The faults are not limited to the onboard controller only, in fact, I think I have now had a fault on just about all the drives.  This setup is mostly new (aside from some of the drives).  I built the whole thing about a year ago now, but have been slowly adding more storage etc as needed.  Attached is the zip file from diagnostics.  Any/all help would be greatly appreciate as I am kind of at a loss as to where to proceed next.


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