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SSD Array vs Cache

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I know that these questions have been asked before but I found conflicting answers. So to be sure I decided to ask again.

I've been using unraid for almost 2 years now. I use it to run VMs for work and gaming as well as some docker containers. Currently I have an array with HDDs and a single SSD cache drive. This works great but I could use some better read performance. Since I don't really need any HDDs I wanted to simply move to an all SSD array. I found conflicting information about whether or not this is save or not. So my questions are.

1. Is an all (SATA) SSD array possible / save to use?

2. Do I need to do something special to get it working?

3. Do I need some special SSDs? In case I do, do you have recommendations (~4TB per drive)?


I am aware that I could simply keep the HDD array and add an SSD cache pool. In case the all SSD array is not an option I'll do that. However, an all SSD array would allow me to then run an NVME cache for even higher performance where it is needed. 


Thanks in advance,


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