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Parity Drive 2 Spin Up After 1 Minute (aprox)

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Hi all,  my system has 2 parity drives and both are set to spin down 2 hours after something write to them; have been working like that for the last 2 years. System copy all new files to cache and around 10 pm unRAID transfer it to the array.


So, I recently update my system to 6.9.2 and I start noticing that parity drive 2 is always spin up, even after I manually spin it down; additionally, after around a minute the Parity 2 Log shows something like this:


May 16 09:27:10 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc
May 16 09:28:12 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc


It does not happens to Parity 1, it just shows this:


May 16 09:54:07 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdf


I have to mention that Parity 1 is plugged to one of the motherboard SATA ports and Parity 2 is plugged to a LSI SAS2008 Card.


I already checked the properties of both drives and looks the same. Do someone faced similar issues? Do you guys know a way to fix it?




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I was on 6.9.0-beta25 but start having issues with my dockers not updating, I tried 6.9.1 in the past but moved back to 6.9.0-beta25 because for some reason 6.9.1 does not recognize my drives on the LSI card.


A few days ago I tried 6.9.2 and noticed that my LSI card drives were properly recognized. Personal opinion but it looks like the 6.9.x unRAID version release hasn't been as smooth as with other versions.


Btw, thanks for your answer, looks like my only chance now is to wait for 6.9.3.

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