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Parity upgrade and disabled drive rebuild

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Been having issue with a drive ekeep getting disabled and getting fed up with it so i purchased 2 x 4TB WD reds for £150...not bad iif i say so myself... My parity is currently a 3TB so i am going to have to change it for one of these 4TB, im assuming i cant sort the disabled drive out first because it would then be bigger than the parity, is it safe to swap the parity whilst there is a disabled drive in the array and then sort that out after ?

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5 hours ago, jonathanm said:

NO! At least not how you are describing it.


i read that but following the procedure i think i am misunderstaning and i am scared i about to do something wrong.... so i have removed the disabled 3tb data drive, replaced it with the new 4tb... then it is saying to unassign the parity drive and put in its new 4tb (i bought two)...but where is it going to get the parity from if it is removed ?...i have stopped for now untill i get confirmation thhaat is correct

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1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

Read step 12 again.

Sounds like I was about to do it wrong, I took out the disabled drive and put in one of the new 4tb... So what I should have done is stop the array, remove the disabled drive, unassign parity drive and put it in the slot of the disabled drive and the new 4tb in the parity slot then start array? 

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8 minutes ago, loady said:

Sounds like I was about to do it wrong, I took out the disabled drive and put in one of the new 4tb... So what I should have done is stop the array, remove the disabled drive, unassign parity drive and put it in the slot of the disabled drive and the new 4tb in the parity slot then start array? 

Not sure what are describing is wrong, it's correct to pull the disabled drive and put the new 4TB in, then assign the old parity drive to the disabled slot and the new drive to the parity slot.


Physical placement has nothing to do with it, it's all dependent on drive assignments. You can leave the old parity drive physically in the same slot, that doesn't matter.

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Ahh.. Assign, not physically place, I was over reading it. 


So I have the new drive physically in place of the disabled drive, and it shows as not installed, now I assign the current parity drive (on the unraid main page) to the disabled slot that now has the new 4tb..?.. Unraid will build the parity to it then rebuild the former disabled drive to the old parity... Then I can just add the other 4tb and start it as a new addition to the array 

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  • loady changed the title to Parity upgrade and disabled drive rebuild [SOLVED]
14 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Not sure what are describing is wrong, it's correct to pull the disabled drive and put the new 4TB in, then assign the old parity drive to the disabled slot and the new drive to the parity slot.


Physical placement has nothing to do with it, it's all dependent on drive assignments. You can leave the old parity drive physically in the same slot, that doesn't matter.

 well its all going to plan thus far, thanks. So when this finished i am going to have the parity in a different slot, how would i go about putting them into the slots they previously occupied ?...is it as simple as stopping the array, then assigning them to the slots i want, this wont invoke some sort of rebuild or mess something up ?, i basically know what drives are in what slots as the the first physical slot is parity followed by cache and then next slots are 1,2,3 etc resepectively.

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  • loady changed the title to Parity upgrade and disabled drive rebuild

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