How do I change ports in a docker?

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I'm trying to get two instances of radarr up and going.  I've created a second docker using the first radarr as an image then I changed it's app-data to create a new folder called radarr2.  Now it has it's own app data folder.  I've been reading where to get this setup working I need to change the ports. I'm unsure which to change but can't seem to change anything.  If I go into host and change 7878 to 8787 radarr still starts with port 7878.  If when creating the new docker I change the container port from 7878 to 8787 (the one that looks grayed out but you can edit) and still change the host ports to 8787 nothing happens.  If I go into the config file I can't seem to change the ports and make it stick.  What am I doing wrong?  New to this but hoping I don't have to mess with it in the future. 

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