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VM Unraid Shares not all writeable

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I'm seeing some behavior that I wasn't expecting, I'm trying to share some folders from Unraid through to a VM, the ones from my actual array I'm able to mount with the fstab commands below, but the one going to an unassigned device (that is mounted), I cannot write to the ones on the unassigned device.  I've tried all manner of what should be unnecessary chown commands (file are all 777 right now).


What am I missing?  The exact same thing happened with a VM Unraid share from the cache drive...what am I missing? 


Additional info: There are hardlinks to the folder (no idea from where)


cat /etc/fstab | grep virtio
PS_Library /mnt/PS_Library 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw 0 0
HousePhotos /mnt/HousePhotos 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,ro 0 0
AppCacheData /mnt/AppDataCache 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw 0 0


I can write to PS_Library all day long...


Thanks for any assistance in advance!


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