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Can't access to Unraid (Solved)


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Hello guys! Could someone please help me? Today, my server didn't work properly. I can't access to the gui. The server was shut down by the sleep plugin last night and should start up by the wake on lan settings this morning.


What I am facing now:


  • I can see the IP in the Router, but can't access it by typing into Browser
  • I can also Ping the IP correctly
  • Under Network, my old server name "cortex" isn't showing up
  • Under Network there is now "TOWER" showing up
    • but this share is empty
    • http://tower -> ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
    • tower seems not to have a new ip (at least i can't see in my router)
    • unraids "my servers":
      • shows server as online (screenshot) -> but can't access: https://tower.local/ -> ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
      • also shows "tower" instead of "cortex"
  • No matter how often I reboot, can't access at all


Things I already tried: 

  • Legacy vs. UEFI -> doesn't change anything
  • Boot order of the flash drive to #1
  • Reboot many times; reboot router


More infos:

  • LAN: two Gigabit connections with bonding enabled for the server access is active
  • IPMI is active and working fine
  • The USB-Drive is USB type 3 - but it worked fine since today (I also do not have a USB 2 port)
  • SSL is active
  • Fritzbox is my router



Is there something happened to my flash-drive? Have no clue what happened overnight ...


Help is very appreciated!


Screenshot Capture - 2021-09-15 - 12-11-57.png

Edited by Mor9oth
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Have you connected up a monitor (and keyboard-- optional) to the server to watch the boot process?


You might want to do a full shutdown of the server (Normally, a one second push of the power button will do this...), pull the boot drive out, plug it into your PC and run a chkdsk on it. 


Since, the name of the server is 'Tower', I would suspect that the Flash drive (or its connection) is having issues with corruption in the /config directory or the flash drive is losing/dropping its connection to the Operating System.  (Either of these conditions could  cause the server to boot with its default settings.)

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Thank you @Frank1940 for your reply! I do not have a monitor connected, but I do run my server with IPMI, so I can see the boot process.

Unfortunately, I don't know for what I could search there. But I made a Video that might be helpful. But seems that it is not possible to upload here. I loaded it up to Google Drive if this might be a solution for you:



As u suggested, I run the chkdsk on it and there was actually an error according to windows. I fixed it, but still the same situation when I try to boot up my server. Still "Tower" and no access. I also tried another usb-port, but facing the same problem.

Is it the USB-Stick or the files on it? Help would be still very nice.



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4 hours ago, Mor9oth said:

The USB-Drive is USB type 3 - but it worked fine since today (I also do not have a USB 2 port)

If nothing else, there are usually USB2 headers in the Motherboard.  You then need a 'usb header to usb port 2.0' or a 'USB A Female Slot Plate Adapter - USB panel'.  (First is internal, second is external.) 


I looked at the Google Drive link and it wanted me to download a zip file (~71MB) containing six videos.  Sorry, not about to do that.  You need to isolate the video that shows the problem.  Or take a screenshot of IPMI screen or a clear, sharp photograph of it. 


On the IPMI screen, you should have a login line (If the system fully booted).  Try to login as 'root' and a blank password.  If that doesn't work, try as 'root' with your current Unraid password. 


By the way, Windows does not always actually fix problems with files.   The files are still 'bad' but what Windows does is repair the file system itself so that there are no errors in the file structure.  In fact if there are segments of files that are suppose to be in files but Windows can't figure out what to do with them, it puts each segment in a new file in the root of the drive.  (To see if you have any of these files, look in the root of the flash drive for files with unusual names and extensions.)


1 hour ago, trurl said:

Do you have a backup?


@Mor9oth, please tell us you have!!!

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Damn! I do have backups in duplicacy - unfortunately, the software was running in docker. The backup itself is on my synology. I need to figure out first if I can even restore it that way. I also do have a backup over "My Servers" over the unraid-api. Don't know if this is also effected. It is also a bit old ... Is there a way to repair my current drive?

@trurl I do not have a USB2 Port. Only USB3.

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1 minute ago, Mor9oth said:

I do not have a USB2 Port. Only USB3

2 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

there are usually USB2 headers in the Motherboard


I'd be surprised if there weren't. What motherboard?


3 minutes ago, Mor9oth said:

Is there a way to repair my current drive?

All you need is the config folder from your flash backup to get going again with your configuration using a new install.

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Just now, Mor9oth said:

Can I restore the zip with the USB Flash Creator?



1 minute ago, Mor9oth said:

Better using a USB2-Stick?

1 minute ago, trurl said:

Best if you can make it work on the same flash drive or you will have to do a license transfer.


USB3 ports seem to give more trouble than USB3 flash drives, though some of the tiny USB3 flash drives can fail due to heat.

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@trurl: Thank you! Backup did something! Access to Shares workes and the Servername is now correct. But on the Login to the GUI I am facing warnings now and can't access.


Warning: file(/etc/nginx/htpasswd): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 85

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 85


How can I fix this?






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2 hours ago, trurl said:

Root password mandatory starting with 6.10

What does that mean for my situation? Leaving it blank doesnt work. „password“ „Password“ or what ever I type doesnt give me access. So there is an password required. But which? I erased the passwd file and thought this would reset the root password to none (blank). 

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