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6.9.2 missing files from one folder within one share - "No listing: Too many files"


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Booted up a backup server today to find that within only one of several shares, and within only one folder within that share (of which there are multiple folders), all the files in the one area are gone.

They don't show when navigating to the share (but the others do), and they don't show in Krusader. 
BUT they do still show in the individual drives if I navigate around that way.

The next thing I see is that when I navigate through the shares folders, I end up with this message on the folder with the missing files
"No listing: Too many files".

Now, that all being said, this server gets my 'reject' drives - so if something starts to fail out of a production server, it gets put into this machine until absolute end of life (or that is the plan anyway).   

Can any of you diagnostis experts have a gander of the file and see if this is a single drive problem, or something else that I can recover from?  
If not, what's the best way to delete the share (and all the files - including the 'lost/missing files') to recover the space and just let my backups run again?



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Thanks for having a look. 
I spotted this earlier - decided it's about time I dive into the logs and learn a thing or two anyway.

It did repair no problems, but that disk 20 is a disk that was giving me problems in a different unraid server too.   
Guess it's time to take it right out of service.

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