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New WD Red > Reallocated sector count

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Hello guys,


i have received a new WDD Red Pro from WD because my previous one had some errors even though it was brand new.


So i have unpacked the new HDD connected it to my Unraid Server through an USB-Adapter and ran the pre-clear script.

Pre-Read was fine, zeroing was fine but post-read showed some errors. Unfortunately i didn't save the log :(

A short SMART test says the disk is good and a extended test aborts after 5 mins.

It's so weird that the replacement disk also shows errors after pre-clear. I have never had any problems with any of the HDD's i purchased and now it happened twice. Could it be that the pre-clear script is not working as it should?


Could anybody tell me if the errors are a big deal?


Thank you guys!


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