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Cannot preclear a new WD Red Pro 4TB disk


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Unraid version: 6.9.2

Hi all 


I have an unraid server that consists of the following:

Motherboard: Asus P5Q Premium

CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo E7400

Memory 2GB

Parity Disk: Seagate Ironwolf Pro 4TB

Disk 1: Seagate Ironwolf Pro 4TB

Cache Drive: Crucial MX500 1TB


I just purchased an additional WD Red Pro 4TB drive. I installed it into a spare slot in my rack and started the pre clear plugin and selected the gfjdarmim 1.0.22 script. I just went for all other default options and started the script. I get the following error ;error encountered, please verify log' . In the preclear log (see below), It says something about low memory. I know i only have 2GB but is this really a problem for pre clear to work? If it is, is there anyway to reduce the meomry load?


Here is the preclear log, any guidance would be appreciated!



Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh --cycles 1 --no-prompt /dev/sdf
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Preclear Disk Version: 1.0.22
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T. info type: default
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T. attrs type: default
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Disk size: 4000787030016
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Disk blocks: 976754646
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Blocks (512 bytes): 7814037168
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Block size: 4096
Dec 06 13:23:38 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Start sector: 0
Dec 06 13:23:41 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Pre-read: pre-read verification started (1/5)....
Dec 06 13:23:41 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Pre-Read: dd if=/dev/sdf of=/dev/null bs=2097152 skip=0 count=4000787030016 conv=noerror iflag=nocache,count_bytes,skip_bytes
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: size:    946212, available: 93896, free: 9%
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: rootfs            946212 852316     93896  91% /
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: devtmpfs          946220      0    946220   0% /dev
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: tmpfs            1020916      0   1020916   0% /dev/shm
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: cgroup_root         8192      0      8192   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: tmpfs             131072    304    130768   1% /var/log
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: /dev/sda1       15000232 294664  14705568   2% /boot
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: overlay           946212 852316     93896  91% /lib/modules
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: overlay           946212 852316     93896  91% /lib/firmware
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: tmpfs               1024      0      1024   0% /mnt/disks
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: tmpfs               1024      0      1024   0% /mnt/remotes
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Low memory detected, aborting...
Dec 06 13:23:44 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: Pre-read: pre-read verification failed!
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Error:
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.:
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: ATTRIBUTE                INITIAL  NOW  STATUS
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Sector_Ct    0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Power_On_Hours           0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Temperature_Celsius      33       33   -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Event_Count  0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Current_Pending_Sector   0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: Offline_Uncorrectable    0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: UDMA_CRC_Error_Count     0        0    -
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: S.M.A.R.T.: SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
Dec 06 13:23:46 preclear_disk_VBH0L3ZF_10889: error encountered, exiting...




Edited by rajk
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