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Unraid as wireguard client

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I'm hosting a wireguard server hub & spoke access vpn on a server I have. I was able to connect several machines to this vpn already and everything seems to work fine. Now I'm trying to connect my Unraid server to this vpn. I've tried using the "import tunnel" button in the GUI but it does not seem to work. Does anyone know if this is even possible with the GUI?




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  • 10 months later...

Same exact question for me. I want to selfhost several web apps on my unraid server behind CG-NAT (Deutsche Glasfaser fibre connection) and haven an VPS server in a datacenter running with wireguard running on it stable. How can I setup unraid to use the imported tunnel and behave like a client and not like  a server.

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  • 1 month later...

I've had my unraid machine successfully working as a client to a wireguard server hosted on a VPS for the last month or so. It took some playing around with the settings to get it up in the first place, but it's been working perfectly. I've noted down exactly how it needs to be configured - see this link or the attached screenshot. Yes it says server-to-server access but it will still just act as a regular client unless you do some extra setup/configuration on the wireguard server's conf. You also might not need the persistent keepalive - try the setup without it at first, and if your unraid machine starts to drop off the wireguard network after a while, then add the persistent keepalive back in (you'll need to add this to the unraid peer section of the conf on the wireguard server as well if you enable it here). Hope this helps


Unraid - Wireguard Client Setup.png

Edited by Drazii
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  • 4 months later...

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