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KDE fails to launch using latest OpenSUSE Tumbleweed


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I've asked in the Tumbleweed forums, but no-one has an answer, so I guess the issue is related to Unraid VM's


I've been running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for the last year or so in a VM with no real issues.


After a Tumbleweed update in December 2021 KDE failed to launch on my system I put it down to an nVidia driver issue and rolled back. Since then, every new upgrade has failed to launch KDE (yes, I do use zypper dup)


Journalctl -b shows two sddm errors - one after the other


  • Failed to read display number from pipe
  • Could not start Display server on vt7


I tried creating a new VM, with no external passthrough and using VNC specifying the latest Tumbleweed ISO. It installs with no errors reported, but KDE still fails to launch with the above two errors.


If I specify gnome as the environment in the install, everything works as expected. Using the September ISO and not activating online repositories also results in a working system. I do have PCIe ACS overrides on, but as I'm only passing the processor through, I don't think this is the issue. Besides the old VM is still working as expected (as long as I don't upgrade)


Just wondered if anyone has seen/can recreate the issue. I think it must be specific to Unraid (or my system!), as I've seen no other reports of this issue



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  • 2 months later...

Have the same problem.

Got this additional error:

Segmentation fault at address 0x0


The only way is to login as a user and start a X11 session with "startx".

But also if I set here "Autostart with user X and X11" he will boot with the login terminal. Wayland and IceWM the same.

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