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When under moderate SMB load, SMB and WebGUI stop responding

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Hi, I'm in the evaluation phase of Unraid and what I see so far is positive but I'm having some really troubling issues right now.


From Windows 10 when I try to bring over moderate amounts of data by copying folders from my Unraid server to a local flash drive, it happens with great frequency that the copy goes to 0 B/s then the SMB shares are dropped by Windows and the WebGUI stops responding -- it almost seems like the network stops working.


I have had other systems on this network for years for NAS and had no issues -- this seems to be specific to Unraid.


When I log in manually on the console as root, I can reboot the system just fine, but then it starts a parity check (which typically takes 16 hours to complete).


I have rebooted the Windows 10 side of things and that didn't help, I can crash Unraid quickly and easily just by going to one of the (now working) SMB shares, trying to copy 100 GB or so, and Unraid will go back into that same state.


I'm really baffled.  Any help most appreciated.  Never seen this with a NAS on my LAN before.


Diagnostics attached.



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Random other data...  the motherboard, CPU, memory, network card were all being used for years with CentOS 8 as a NAS.


I suppose there's always the possibility of hardware failure but I didn't even take them out of the case...  I removed the old drives, put in some new drives for Unraid, and went from there...  I mention this as I did read some threads and there were suggestions of running memtest or other hardware diagnostics, I haven't done that, but I'd be pretty surprised if this was a hardware issue.

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