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Running Minecraft server and Google Backup & Sync on Win10 VM

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Bottom Line Up Front: Are there any security or performance concerns if I were to run Google Drive Backup & Sync on the same Win10 VM as my Minecraft server?


Hello all! I've been using Unraid for about a month now to build my first-ever home server on a Dell R720xd. Loving the software and all of the community guides/support available.


I need the server to serve the following functions:

  • Media download/management/storage (no cloud backup, local only)
  • Photo/document storage with backup to Google Drive
  • Host a Minecraft server for friends


I've got all of the media management taken care of using SpaceInvaderOne's excellent videos. Currently I have a Win10 VM running the minecraft server (I considered using a docker for this, but I am more familiar with the server management in Windows).


The last piece of the puzzle is getting my photos and documents to sync to Google Drive. I initially considered using RClone for this, but I would like the sync to be automatic and bi-directional. Google's Backup and Sync application has worked well for me in the past on my laptop, so I've decided to run it in a VM. I could run it on the same Win10 VM as my Minecraft server, but this strikes me as not ideal since minecraft is allowing connections from outside. Is there a security vulnerability here? Currently I am routing the VM through my binhex-qbittorrent privoxy, and I have DuckDNS on the VM to point a domain to my dynamic IP.


Would it be more secure/easier to spin up another VM with very minimal resources to do the backup and sync?


Thanks a lot!

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I'm planning on doing something similar in my unraid: using a windows 10 VM for a few services that I can't work out how to do it in unraid / docker / plugin (such as the amazon drive photo backup) and also run a minecraft server.

SpaceInvaderOne has a video guide to set up a java minecraft server: How to Easily Set Up a Minecraft Server and Connect it to a Domain, and there are other guides to do it with bedrock too (here (Ibracorp and pterodactyl) and MineOS here) - I haven't tried ether yet, but will be giving it a go soon.

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