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VM Pausing Randomly

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I consolidated my stuff into my Unraid server to save space, so here I am using VMs in Unraid for the first time. Anyway, got my Win10 VM going, passed through my Quadro P400, Plex works, but my Unraid VM will randomly pause.


I read that this could be storage related but I'm running the VM on my Cache drive which has nothing else on it. My cache drive is a 128GB SSD and my Windows VM is set to 100GB disk.


Any help? Thanks.

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10 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Please post the diagnostics 

Here you go sir.


Although I think I may have resolved it, I'm not sure why it worked, but I found someone else online who resolved the same issue by picking an older "machine type" so I deleted my VM, created one with machine type q35-4.0 instead of q35-5.1, attached my old disk, and when I came back this morning to check Plex was working and my VM was not paused.


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