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Unable to boot 64GB flash drive (Solved)

Go to solution Solved by Veah,

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Hello Unraid Community.  This is my first post here and I found a solution for a problem I had all day and I wanted to share because I was unable to find this exact problem listed with a solution provided.  It is entirely possible that I have posted this in the wrong place, mods please feel free to put this where it belongs if so.


The Problem:

  Loading Unraid on a 64GB (and presumably larger) thumb drive.


The Solution:

1.       Run Unraid USB Flash Creator. 

         This works as an initial install or as a restore from a backup .zip

2.       When it hangs at ‘Syncing File System…’

3.       Run Rufus and use following settings:

Boot Selection = FreeDOS

Volume Label = UNRAID

File System = Large FAT32

4.       START (Run Ruufus) > OK.

Unraid Flash Creator should finish extracting/installing.

Eject USB

Install in Unraid device.


Incidentally, if the problem (which I saw a few threads on) is that the Unraid Flash Creator is hung up on 'Syncing File Systems', the alternative to Rufus is to run a Windows Quick Format naming the volume 'UNRAID'.  When it completes, the Unraid Flash Creator continues its process of building the flash stick.


Thank you all for being such a helpful group.



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