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Creating a VM in unRAID using POP_OS 22.04 LTS

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Hello unRAID Community. I don't typically post in forums, I'm more the "do the reading and research on my own", however this issue has me getting rather impatient to find a solution. I've created a VM inUNRAID via the VM Tab, setup the POP_OS VM (v22.04), using 6 GB Mem, 2 vCPU's, and all the rest are defaults. Oh, and using a 60 GB vDisk as a drive.
The VM creates successfully does start. The issue arises when as I'm entering all of the install options (language, location, keyboard, etc, and I get to about the spot where the installer prompts for choosing the install location (and I've chosen not to encrypt the disk)... The install starts on the 60 GB disk, and then the VNC connection just dies and drops off the face of the earth. No matter what I try, it won't reconnect. IF (and that's a big IF) it does after leaving it for some time, it just goes right back to the install prompts as though I had done nothing previous to the VNC session disconnecting.
I typically don't have any issues with VM's, but this one has me stumped (I have other Windows and Ubuntu VM's running on this unRAID setup flawlessly. It's just this one POP_OS install that's causing me such grief. Anyone who has any suggestions or who has had this issue before, and has a solution, i would sincerely appreciate any input, answers or solutions.
Many thanks in advance.

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I seem to recall seeing issues with POP_os VM's elsewhere on the forums, have you searched?


The normal things to try would be different BIOS types, (ovmf vs seabios) chipset emulations(440 vs Q35), different disk controller emulations, network types, emulated vs pass through cpu, less cores, less RAM, whatever it takes to get the install completed, then you can try increasing or optimizing resources later.

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