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Server won't Sleep with UPS connected

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So I might need a different perspective on this one: I got myself and Eaton Eclipse 650 Din UPS for the Server. Connected it, instantly reconnized it thru the built in UPS Deamon, works well and does what it's suppose to be doing.
But I've got an issue with my sleep settings: Everytime the Machine is sent into sleep mode, it wakes up 5 seconds after and continues to run til the next sleep attemp 5 min later. And it keeps happening until it's either past the sleep time or I manually shut it down.

Anyone might have a guess why the UPS is now causing it to not go to sleep? It did work perfectly well when it was plugged directly into wallpower


P:S: I'm stil on 6.8.3 so it might have something to do with that?

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I deactivated everything I could find but it still boots right up after clicking "Sleep". It goes down and seconds after it goes up again. I don't get it why it is happening tbh

Specially not bc on wall power it works without issues and with the UPS connected, sleep is impossible. 

Edited by deltaexray
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Check for MB BIOS update.    Google about your problem using the MB manufacturer and model number.


EDIT:  It is not unusual for MB for MB boards to wake up from sleep from USB input.  All three of my Home Theater Windows PC are woken up from the  'sleep mode' using USB connected keyboards.  In fact, that is generally the usage pattern for most people. 


Why are you not shutting it completely down? 

Edited by Frank1940
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Yeah the MB is over 10 Years old, there aren't any updates anymore. Haha.

But jokes aside, I think that too. Since the UPS is connected thru USB it won't sleep anymore the way it did before.

It was setup to sleep between midnight to 10am in the morning, so it does not burn energy throughout the night when nobody is using it. That's why I got it setup to sleep in the first place, since the UPS got connected it doesn't do it anymore.
A complete shutdown is actually not what I have in mind with all of that.

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2 hours ago, deltaexray said:

A complete shutdown is actually not what I have in mind with all of that.

What is the practical difference between sleep and shutdown for you?


How do you accomplish the 10am wakeup? If it's boot time that's the issue, set the wake for 9:55 so it will be ready at 10.


Servers and sleep just don't play well, it's actually an anomaly to have sleep working properly.

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That, being automated, it goes to sleep at night when nobody uses it and wakes up in the morning, ready to be uses again. A shutdown, on the other hand, would reqiure typing in the Encryption phrase everysingle time again so that's not practical to/for me.

Dynamix S3 Sleep Plugin with a custom wake up command. Works completely fine when it does and also does not harm anything.
Yeah it's a desktop MB, it worked with sleep even before it became my server. So it wasn't that hard for me

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