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Hardware Migration / Upgrade


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Good evening all, 


I am about to embarq on a hardware migration of my UnRaid server.  I am moving from a Dell R710 to a Dell R720xd.  the XD has all drive bays populated with 4tb drives while my 710 has 3 - 8tb drives and a 3tb.  would I be able to just move my drive UnRaid drive and all my storage drives to the new build ? 


Have a great weekend, 


Will G. 

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If both machines disk controllers are in IT mode, yes, you can just move the drives over. If either machine is using RAID, it won't recognize the drives. You could even end up having to rebuild partitions.


Create a trial USB key for the new machine, download the diagnostic zip file from it, and get the zip file from the current machine. Attach them both to your next post in this thread and we should be able to give you a better answer.

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