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Unraid lost internet connection

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I just realized the internet connect for Unraid is lost after I tried going to the APPS tab which says "Download of appfeed failed". I'm able to ping all local addresses on the network just fine but cannot reach any external IP addresses. I restarted the server thinking something got hung up but the same issue.


I've tried changing DNS to and and none of that works either. Also tried IPv4 only network protocol and changing the address assignment from static to dynamic and still no luck. At a loss as to where to go from here.


Diagnostics are attached. Any help is appreciated.


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Ive woken to a similar issue,

Server is all working fine and running, can access the dockers locally, just not the main gui page via browser. (on edge or firefox)

Just times out with a "500 internal server error"

Saw this thread and going to try and sort it when back at home.


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