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2/3 shares are missing after moving files

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I was adding a parity drive as I had no parity drive prior to this.

During the parity-sync I was deleting and moving files around in one of my shares from the terminal on the Unraid website.

I was able to delete files from a specific share (/mnt/user/share_name), however, when I tried moving all files with a specific ending from the share to a specific folder I suddenly lost access to said share and another share.

Note: I was not touching any files in the other share I lost access to.

Both of the shares no longer show up in unraid and I cannot see the shares in the terminal anymore.

I have another share that was unaffected. So 2/3 of my shares are gone.


Current working directory for all of this is /mnt/user/share_name

Command used to delete that worked and I could still see my files after using:

find . -name "*.svg" -type -f -delete


Command used to move files that did not work and seemingly removed two of my shares:

find . -type f -name "*.java" -exec mv {} /java \;


I'm assuming this is what caused the missing shares as the issue occurred directly after this command was issued.



Unraid version: 6.11.0



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b550M aorus pro-p

amd ryze 5 5600



Edited by TylenolAbuser
Clarifying that I lost access to a share that I did not touch
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3 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Since shares are just a combined view of the individual disks, try rebooting and see if they are recreated.

After rebooting my third disk now says: "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system".


Edit: From googling it looks like I can run: xfs_repair -v

Just hesitant to do this as last time I ran this command (a couple weeks back), nothing was recovered after the file system was restored.


Edited by TylenolAbuser
adding possible command
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