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Is my drive Fubar?

Go to solution Solved by heppy,

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Morning all, finally decided to try out Unraid and all was going well until i was copying over some data and the attached drive powered down and caused a weird hang.


Did a clean system shutdown which when I rebooted said it wasn't clean and then disk 1 in the array was marked with a red cross.  Just checking if someone can diagnose if my drive is dead?


It's a very old drive and the data on it wasn't essential at all so i suspect it's age related but just wanted to check





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Nothing obvious in the SMART information for the drive.   It might be worth running an extended SMART test to see if that passes without error (available by clicking on the drive on the Main tab)..   Note that you would need to temporarily disable spindown for the drive in question.   The test only updates at 10% intervals at takes around 1-2 hours per TB.

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2 hours ago, heppy said:

Thanks for this - i ended up removing the drive from the array (it had 6 years use on it)  but will use diagnostics next time



To determine if the drive is truly ready for the trash, run a couple of preclear cycles on it.  Or use the manufacturer's disk testing utility (google for this software) by running a couple of full disk scans.  If it is still good, you could use it as an cold standby disk...

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