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[Support] devzwf - Speedtest-tracker - [DEPRECATED]

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8 minutes ago, NLS said:


Thanks - but no thanks.

I moved to another that is self contained.


That said, if I get more containers that need a stand-alone DB, I might revisit.


i am just the maintainer of the template not the app dev....

I could build a container self contained (with app+db) with same app tho... (unless already exist) but taht's a whole other story 

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7 minutes ago, NLS said:



I use this one as well :)
my only concern, is , it is not maintain since 3 years ....... seems abandoned
but seem still working fine .... even if i have some dicrepency when i cmpared to some others.


anyway , there is option :) beauty of Selfhosting and Opensource 

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On 1/29/2024 at 4:03 PM, ZappyZap said:

I use this one as well :)
my only concern, is , it is not maintain since 3 years ....... seems abandoned
but seem still working fine .... even if i have some dicrepency when i cmpared to some others.


anyway , there is option :) beauty of Selfhosting and Opensource 


Yes. On the other hand, getting support = getting lucky, when self hosting and open source.

As for this container, no you are wrong. Last update was last summer (less than 6 months), which is "okayish" in my book.


On other news, I was forced to delete my docker folder and reinstall everything (where everything = 42 containers :( ...) because a couple got messed up last night... Couldn't start, couldn't be removed... Even using portainer...

Edited by NLS
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Been trying to get this up and running for a day or two just out of wanting to try something and play with Docker more. I finally got a MariaDB up and running and logged into it through Adminer, I gave me user account all priviliges for the Speedtest DB I created (which is empty). I however am getting this output when I can connect now. Any direction on where this problem might be?


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For anyone coming here after an upgrade broke it with errors similar to this:

In Connection.php line 829:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (Connection: mysql, SQL: delete f
rom cache)
In Connector.php line 65:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

See this support thread on the developers site:


Essentially, you just need to override the config change to using a "DB" back to using "file" by adding a variable with the key "CACHE_DRIVER" and a value "file".



Edited by jchaven
added image
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@ZappyZap we're making progress testing a LinuxServer image instead of the one I've been building. Once it's been tested and rolled out to production I'll drop another post here as we'll want to update the template.


It'll be a drop in replacement, much much faster using less memory and cpu and the image size is roughly 1/2 of what it currently is (~298MB down to ~154MB).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Q; What is the best way to transition to the LSIO Image from the Alex one this template uses, if it is already set-up? Alex has announced he will no longer be updating his container after v17, and it will only be the LSIO one - can I just amend the repository field in this template to point the the LSIO container rather than the Alex one?


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On 2/25/2024 at 5:30 AM, noties said:


You probably want to look at this: https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker/releases/tag/v0.16.0


It looks like your data just got moved to another table.


this looks like it was the issue. confused about the missing data I went digging through all the tables and found the one mentioned. thinking it was odd, I checked through recent release notes and found this.


crisis averted lol

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  • 1 month later...
11 hours ago, R34nimator said:

Can someone assist me and tell me why when I installed the Speedtest Tracker that when I want to activate using the webui firefox says it's unable to connect? Thank you

you will need to provide more details

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  • 2 months later...



Disregard the below question........however leaving it here in case someone else finds this useful. I have never had APP_KEY defined but somewhere along the line it must have become mandatory......so when I managed to check the logs (redefined port to map host=8943 to container=80 note this has never been a problem before??) the init had stopped due to the lack of APP_KEY. Once I obtained a generated APP_KEY from https://speedtest-tracker.dev and inserted it, the docker started up no problems. 






Hi guys


Im using the following repository "lscr.io/linuxserver/speedtest-tracker:latest" for the speedtest-tracker docker.

Somewhere in the last 1.5 months one of the updates broke something and now the webui does not come up "....cant connect to the server.....". Prior to that all worked flawlessly using a seperate mysql docker instance, and the last time I used the web was the end of April. When the docker starts up (successsfuly) in unraid I have the following info (nothing has changed in many months from a parameter POV):


docker run
  -e TZ="Australia/Sydney"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="speedtest-tracker_new"
  -e 'DB_CONNECTION'='mysql'
  -e 'APP_KEY'=''
  -e 'DB_HOST'='x.x.x.x'
  -e 'DB_PORT'='3306'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'UMASK'='022'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8943]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/speedtest-tracker-logo.png'
  -p '8943:8943/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/cache/.Apps/appdata/speedtest-tracker':'/config':'rw' 'lscr.io/linuxserver/speedtest-tracker:latest' 


I have tried to:

  • change the network from bridge to host.....no joy
  • I have deleted the container and reinstalled it fresh......no joy
  • changed the port just in case.....no joy
  • I can open the docker CLI for speedtest and can ping out to other machines in my network

Any thoughts?

Anyone else with the same issues?



Edited by jim80z
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For anyone that is using this template and wondering why your docker instance is no longer doing it's scheduled Speedtest runs, here is why. There is no longer a settings page in the docker app itself and all settings are now handled with Environment Variables. Per this webpage: https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker/releases/tag/v0.20.0 you now have to specify all of your settings in the template by creating each of the following variables (with examples):




SPEEDTEST_SCHEDULE= # can be represented as a cron schedule same as before.

SPEEDTEST_SERVERS= # you can add one or many servers separated by a comma (i.e. "123456,654321,987654").

PRUNE_RESULTS_OLDER_THAN=0 # the default is 0 which disables result pruning, this value is in days.


Mine stopped working on June 8th and I only just today noticed that there were no new data points being generated until I made these changes. When v0.20.0 first came out, I did update to LSIO's version, but I don't remember seeing the remarks about the Environment Variables at the time.


I recommend that the Unraid Template also be updated with these Environment Variables by the maintainer as well.


Good luck out there...


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  • ZappyZap changed the title to [Support] devzwf - Speedtest-tracker - [DEPRECATED]
7 hours ago, grsnow said:

For anyone that is using this template and wondering why your docker instance is no longer doing it's scheduled Speedtest runs, here is why. There is no longer a settings page in the docker app itself and all settings are now handled with Environment Variables. Per this webpage: https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker/releases/tag/v0.20.0 you now have to specify all of your settings in the template by creating each of the following variables (with examples):


Thank you! After getting it to run and web properly I checked and found regular tests had stopped and I couldn't find the settings page but did find your post! Agree with you comment to update the template and @ZappyZap thankyou for looking into it!!

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