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8 drives with read errors at the same time?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Never had read errors before, dont know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unraid is reporting that 8 drives have suddenly encounted read errors. I find that somewhat hard to believe.


Some remarks:

  • Unassigned drives is suddenly showing all 8 of these drives with new sd[x] id's with some sort of failed array icon, while they appear to still be in the array.
  • My genuine Unassigned drives arent even showing up any more (maybe a limit to how many the dashboard can display)
  • Only 2 random 8TB drives didnt have any errors, every other array drive (inc. 2xParity) did.
  • 6TB drives all have 1036 Errors, and 8TB+ have 1133, suggesting that these failed reads were across all drives at certain ways through the data. But i think it was fine this morning, so happened today at somepoint. I havent done a partiy check in over a month, so why would all drives be read at the same time?
  • Some drives are connected via an HBA, some direct to motherboard controller. Parity is definitely on motherboard, 6TBs are definitely on HBA, so it doesnt appear to be a controller issue, because affected drives are spread between both.
  • im running 6.10.3
  • Between 2pm-3pm today, I did attempt to start a years old VM accidently, that failed miserably erroring on all sorts of issues. It wasnt something i expected to work, it would have been attempting to pass through GPUs that didnt exist, and used a drive image (or potentially a physical disk) for the OS that were no longer present. I feel this might have been around the time the read errors happened, but i dont understand why launching a VM would affect the array's data drives.


Please help. I want to ensure my data is safe, my offsite backup hasn't been working for about 2 months, have been meaning to sort it out.

Tempted to restart the server if it just resolves a one-off issue, and sorts out the unassigned drives plugin, but dont want to lose any diagnostics data.


Any assistance appreciated, thanks,



2022-10-31 15_59_07-HarmzServ_Main — Mozilla Firefox.png


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Thanks for your reply @JorgeB

I definitely wouldn't have expected a power issue, its a highend Corsair PSU, running off a UPS, but ok, stranger things have happened.


New issue, stopping the array or trying to shutdown appears to do absolutely nothing. The log is 100% full at the moment, perhaps related to it not responding to these actions, but i also can't figure out how to clear that down without a reboot.

Without any new log entries to view, i have no idea why its not stopping the array or shutting down.


Any advice to get a clean shutdown?



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