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UNRAID- all in one

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I've stumbled upon unraid and love it. I did have a question about a setup I'm considering, a single all in one modularized server(routing, docker, vm's).


Here's the hardware:

  • ISP modem 
  • Switch
  • computer(Ryzen 9) with two network cards(call them Nic1, Nic2) 
  • wifi access points


1. Cable modem connected to Nic1

2. Nic2 to connected to switch

3. all remaining wifi access points/lan devices connected to switch


So basically(in a nutshell) can UNRAID be setup to act as a LAN router? is this feasible?

UNRAID provide a firewall services on NIC1?

UNRAID act as a DHCP server on NIC2?

bridge the connection between Nic1 <-> Nic2?






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I'm doing something similar with 3 network cards, 2 are isolated to a pfSense VM, the third is allocated to the server, both the server nic and the pfSense LAN nic are connected to a switch that serves the rest of the LAN.


HOWEVER... Unless you are willing to maintain a capable router on standby to service the LAN when your server is down for whatever reason, AND you are an IT expert with time to tinker, I would strongly recommend NOT doing this.


Another caveat. A trial license will NOT work, as the trial must have internet access to start the array, and without the array started, you won't have internet.


It works quite well for me with a paid license, I've had my setup running this way for several years and have had no major issues. I've only had to revert to my backup router twice that I remember in all that time.

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