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(SOLVED) Adding multiple new disks at once

Go to solution Solved by SBR,

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So overall I want to add 2 more data drives and a second parity drive. Would speak anything against adding all 3 drives in one single operation, or would there be a benefit to first adding the parity drive and only afterward adding the 2 additional data drives?


Thanks in advance for any help or input

Edited by SBR
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Never mind

After actually looking up what happens when you add a new drive (Unraid takes the array offline, clears the disk with 0s, takes the array online again, so that no parity changes) it makes more sense to add the additional parity drive while pre-clearing the 2 data drives I plan to add at the same time.

Gonna mark this one as solved and not deleting in in hopes that may help someone else in the future.

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  • SBR changed the title to (SOLVED) Adding multiple new disks at once
9 hours ago, SBR said:

Unraid takes the array offline, clears the disk with 0s, takes the array online again, so that no parity changes

That is OLD wording, and implies the array is unavailable while the clearing is done. That is not the case any more, the clearing is done in the background while the array is still online and available, when the clearing is done Unraid adds it and makes it available to format.

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