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Slow torrent downloads, write speeds to cache pool and high CPU utilization


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I am running version 6.11.2 on asrock J4105 with 2 sata ssd as a cache pool and 3 HDDs, linuxserver.io qbittorrent with gigabit internet connection. Download location is set to cache pool. Unfortunately all downloads cannot exceed 40 - 50 MB/s speed and CPU utilization reaches up to 100% followed with warnings "CPU_IOWAIT".


I tested network speed with both iperf3 and speedtest with speeds around 900 - 940 Mb/s so the issue is not network related.


I guess this point is crucial... When a large file is moved from array to cache pool the transfer speed is quite low (around 60 - 80 MB/s), the speed is far more faster when the same file is being moved from cache pool to array (130 - 180 MB/s). Strange is it?


I know J4105 is not the fastest CPU but should be capable of handling gigabit speed.


Any idea what can be wrong?

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