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Drive setup help


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New to unraid and setting up first server. I've been wanting to set one up for along time but never have the money to put into it. So I've decided to take the plunge and convert my hardly used gaming desktop into a server. The setup has 3 x 1tb drives. 2 are nvme and a ssd. I'm hoping I will some large capacity hdd's down the line at some point. My question is what would be the recommended setup with my existing drives for a pretty simple Plex server with a few dockers? Keeping in mind the majoriity of future capacity will be hdd's. I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance

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Not recommended to put SSD's in the parity array, but you currently must still have one drive assigned to a data disk position to start the array, so...


For now, assign any old USB stick to the disk1 array position, and set up your SSD's in whatever pool configuration you feel comfortable, 3 single volumes, or a RAID1 with 2 of the drives and a single, or all 3 in a single volume with whatever level of redundancy you want to balance redundancy and capacity.


Set all your shares to either pool only or pool prefer, so you don't actually put anything on your placeholder USB stick.


If it were me in your position, I'd set up 3 individual pools, with 1 for media files, 1 for system files like the docker image and such, and 1 for container appdata. Then when you add actual HDD's to the array, you can set the media file share to pool yes, and the mover will empty the media to the parity array.

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