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I accidentally blacklisted my USB, and I need to get my server back up asap. I have work on there due tomorrow!


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I already contacted support, but I doubt I'm going to hear back before morning. I accidentally blacklisted my USB. I have 2 servers and recently bought a new USB for one of them and I transferred the wrong key to the new USB and now I cant start my array on the other. 


I'll buy a new key if I need to, I'd prefer not to as it was a Pro key, but I just need to get my unraid server back up asap. Theres has to be something I can do?

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5 hours ago, relink said:

I already contacted support, but I doubt I'm going to hear back before morning. I accidentally blacklisted my USB. I have 2 servers and recently bought a new USB for one of them and I transferred the wrong key to the new USB and now I cant start my array on the other. 

@SpencerJ can you help here?


@relink I would also recommend that you open up a Ticket here: Click

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I didn’t even know there was a ticket system 😅 but I’ll do that. 

I ended up buying a new pro license and tying it to some pos flash drive I had laying around just so I could get my work done last night. 

I’d really like to suggest to Lime Tech that when a license issue arises that maybe unraid could revert to a shortened trial mode, something like 5days or so. Something long enough that you can get in touch with support to get it resolved.

Right now that felt like a bit of a “middle finger” to just be dead in the water with zero ways to get back online other than to buy another license and use another flash drive. 

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4 hours ago, relink said:

dead in the water with zero ways to get back online other than to buy another license and use another flash drive. 

If all you needed was file access, you could have booted a live linux distribution and mounted the data drive in question read only.


You also could have set up a trial Unraid install and reassigned all your disks to the correct location and told it parity was already valid.


Getting VM's and containers running is obviously a little more complex.

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