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Parity check not finishing


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On 12/14/2022 at 11:19 AM, JorgeB said:


BIOS updated but still the server is crashing, parity check starts but it gets to about 3.5GB then the ETA count just keeps rising, it wont stop if i try to cancel it and after a few hours i cant access the GUI, the server will not shutdown by power button either and i am forced to hard reboot it. DIAGS attached. thank you.


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23 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Still crashing, try with v6.10.3 to see if it's kernel related.

Just looking at the options and the only previous version i am offered is 6.11.1, i am unsure of how to safely go about downgrading, i dont want to break anything, is it a straight forward process ?

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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Download the zip from here then just unzip all the bz* files and changes.txt to the flash drive overwriting existing ones.

Ok, now the GUI doesnt load at all...seems like the server is not finishing booting, do i need to run the makebootable bat file again on the flash drive ?

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23 hours ago, JorgeB said:

No assuming you've only copied the bz* files.


Those suggest previous flash drive issues, better to format and recreate, backup before.

so its stalling on a checksum, i gether that is to do with it not matching what was previously on there ? its trying to boot but stops there and does it again when i press entervz2Orlc.png

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26 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Was the flash drive re-formatted?

no, i didnt make a back up, i just over wrote the bz files and tried to boot.


EDIT: i have just backed it up now as it is and will reformat it tthen put the back up on

Edited by loady
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16 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Try a different flash drive with a stock Unraid install, no key needed, just to see if it boots.

i have tried with two different flash drives now, the BIOS picks them up but complaines there is no OS, make bootable bat file gives an error when i try to make them bootable..


Make Bootable v1.5
 Volume in drive I is UNRAID
 Volume Serial Number is 3CE1-0D8E
Ready to make disk bootable!
Press any key to continue . . .
I:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf I:
Writing MBR: Access is denied.
Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing...

Press any key to continue . . .


If i run that on the original flash drive i get this...


Make Bootable v1.5
 Volume in drive J is UNRAID
 Volume Serial Number is 48E8-11BF
Ready to make disk bootable!
Press any key to continue . . .
J:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf J:

Press any key to continue . . .


In both instances i am running as administrator. I have also reformatted the original USB stick and run a low level test on it and it reported as bieng in good condidtion.

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im pretty sure the original stick i had in is fine, i performed a low level check on it. The sever was booting fine albeit the unraid driver was crashing and stalling the server. Now i can get it to boot at all, keeps getting stuck at the checksum error on the original flash drive, now on three random generic drive flash drives the make bootable wont complete. just says..



Make Bootable v1.5
 Volume in drive I is UNRAID
 Volume Serial Number is 3CE1-0D8E
Ready to make disk bootable!
Press any key to continue . . .
I:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf I:
Writing MBR: Access is denied.
Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing...

Press any key to continue . . .


I dont know why it says access denied, i have reformatted them numerous times. Even if i can get it back to a working state even when it was crashing i can go about what i need to do for now.

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