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Server Name invisible (only on one machine)

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I just set up a 2nd Unraid system, and just noticed that the Server name and Description show up correctly on the top-right nav bar. I never noticed it because I only had one server before, but the server name never showed up properly on my original server. I didn't know it was even supposed to until I set up this second one.


I changed the name from "Komodo" to "Komodo1" and then it shows up correctly. However, I want the name to actually be "Komodo" so I changed it back and lo and behold it disappears again.


I then noticed upon hitting F5 a bunch of times, then "Komodo" DOES show up! But only for a fraction of a second and then disappears.


Why would this be happening on one server and not the other?

Server Name Invisible.png


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