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Recover to new build

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My old server didnt come back on after a power outage. I have been meaning to upgrade everything for a while now. So figured now would be a good time.


My question is, when the new machine is built. Whats best practice to move the old files over to the new machine?


The old machine has only partially come back to life after replacing the PSU, so without diving in too deep (ram, mobo etc.) I dont really have access to that machine anymore. Im hoping that wont be an issue. 


Thank you for any advice

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1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

Do you have all your drives intact including your USB boot key?

I believe they are all fine. 


1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

Did you have VM's with hardware passthrough?

Yes but it wasnt important. That can be lost

1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

Did you have any hardware RAID controllers?



Thank you for your reply

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Your configuration is in the config folder of flash, which contains all of your webUI settings including disk assignments and other settings and your license. If you boot on new hardware, Unraid will use that configuration on the new hardware and everything should work as before assuming no hardware issues such as

1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

Do you have all your drives intact including your USB boot key?


Did you have VM's with hardware passthrough?


Did you have any hardware RAID controllers?


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The only thing I can think of would be to make a backup of the config folder on your USB stick, then disable array auto start by editing disk.cfg on your flash drive (config/disk.cfg) and changing startArray="yes" to "no",


That way you can look over everything before the array starts to make sure all your disks are correctly detected. (They should be)

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