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parse_dfs_path error when trying to connect via SMB

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brand new array running 6.11.5.  just tried to start it up for the first time.  when a client tries to connect (tried SMB on both a macbook and windows machine), it fails and i see the following error in the unraid logs:



Jan  7 17:38:25 nas2  smbd[13920]: [2023/01/07 20:38:25.224219,  0] ../../source3/smbd/msdfs.c:170(parse_dfs_path)
Jan  7 17:38:25 nas2  smbd[13920]:   parse_dfs_path: can't parse hostname from path nas2.lan.local
Jan  7 17:38:25 nas2  smbd[13920]: [2023/01/07 20:38:25.224252,  0] ../../source3/smbd/msdfs.c:180(parse_dfs_path)
Jan  7 17:38:25 nas2  smbd[13920]:   parse_dfs_path: trying to convert nas2.lan.local to a local path


it almost sounds like DNS but there's a static entry for both the ip and hostname in my router and unraid seems to resolve it properly:



root@nas2:~# dig nas2.lan.local
    ; <<>> DiG 9.18.9 <<>> nas2.lan.local
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; WARNING: .local is reserved for Multicast DNS
    ;; You are currently testing what happens when an mDNS query is leaked to DNS
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 14305
    ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
    ;nas2.lan.local.                        IN      A
    nas2.lan.local.         3600    IN      A
    ;; Query time: 0 msec
    ;; SERVER: (UDP)
    ;; WHEN: Sat Jan 07 20:30:56 EST 2023
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 59



there doesn't seem to be much in the internet about this other than the C header file itself but i can't figure out what it's doing

Edited by oliver
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  • 2 months later...

I'm experiencing the same thing (albeit on a different, newer rc version, 6.12.0-rc2), except it's having trouble with an IP, indicating to me it's likely not any kind of external DNS effects. Logs are constantly filled with this, ~4 lines/min.

Apr  3 10:39:15 Arc-Stor smbd[22085]: [2023/04/03 10:39:15.384658,  0] ../../source3/smbd/msdfs.c:170(parse_dfs_path)
Apr  3 10:39:15 Arc-Stor smbd[22085]:   parse_dfs_path: can't parse hostname from path
Apr  3 10:39:15 Arc-Stor smbd[22085]: [2023/04/03 10:39:15.384689,  0] ../../source3/smbd/msdfs.c:180(parse_dfs_path)
Apr  3 10:39:15 Arc-Stor smbd[22085]:   parse_dfs_path: trying to convert to a local path


Diags attached.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

The same issue occurs on version 7.0.0-beta.2, where macOS is unable to connect to SMB either via domain name or IP.


Sep 19 13:46:51 SZC-UnraidNAS smbd[4181202]: [2024/09/19 13:46:51.383649,  0] ../../source3/smbd/msdfs.c:107(parse_dfs_path_strict)
Sep 19 13:46:51 SZC-UnraidNAS smbd[4181202]:   parse_dfs_path_strict: can't parse hostname from path \


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I think I’ve found a temporary solution:

I tried setting the server name to my domain in Settings/Identification, such as nas.example.com. After restarting Unraid, I was able to connect to smb://nas.example.com/ through Finder on macOS successfully.

Even so, I still don’t understand why I can’t connect via IP.

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