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Correct way to do a share for a Windows Steam VM to download all games?

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I think I made a mistake.


In preparation for Valve releasing Steam peer to peer downloading (hopefully) I created a Windows 10 VM and installed Steam to it and started downloading all of my games to it.  I set the VM size to be 6TB to make sure I had enough room for all the games.  After I started downloading all the games I suddenly noticed m cache filling up and the VM pausing.  I invoked the Mover thinking it had broken.  Once the Cache got to 50% I unpaused the VM.  The cache immediately filled right back up again.


I am assuming that I should not have just increased the size of the VM image to 6TB and instead should have mounted an unRAID share somehow inside of the Windows VM and installed the games to that and set the share to Cache NO.




Thanks everyone!

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vdisks are single large files, and can only exist on a single drive. They CAN however, be configured to appear larger on the inside, like a tardis. As you fill it, the real file size expands, but CAN'T flow across to other disks, and if you put more data than the disk is big, you will get error messages and crashes.


If your VM vdisk is on a drive or pool smaller than 6TB, you will have a bad time if you fill it.


17 hours ago, Rhuarc said:


Since you say you just created the VM fresh, I'd say nuke it and start over. Whether Steam will let you store files on a network share I don't know, so you will have to figure that out. If not, your only recourse would be to set up a vdisk on a drive or pool large enough to hold everything, or add vdisks and map them to paths internal to your VM.

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