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Server not found

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Hi- I was trying to login to my server this evening, and received the following error message:


Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at sldafjaslfk.unraid.net


I've tried to go directly to the IP address of the server with the same response. I can get to some of the docker containers that are running on the server by going to their specific IP address, but can't seem to get to the server page itself. The My Servers section on unraid.net shows the server is online, but when I click on the remote access link, same results.



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Thanks for the reply. I tried to follow the directions at the link provided. I'm running an older version of Unraid (6.9.2) for reference. I was able to telnet into the server using Putty. Logged in using same username/password credentials. Once logged in, I tried the command 'use_ssl no' as directed. I received the following error message:

'-bash: use_ssl: command not found


I was able to get the the GUI by going to https://my_server_ip_address:port. I did get the risk errors from my browser, but I was able to ignore them, and proceeded to the login page.


Now, off to figure out if I'm ready to upgrade from 6.9.2



Edited by propman07
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