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Cache. Unmountable or no file system

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Default mover schedule is daily in the middle of the night. You can change that in Scheduler Settings.


Mover doesn't necessarily move everything to the array though.


You have some shares (the default appdata, domains, system) set to prefer cache. That means it will prefer to keep all of their files on cache, and if any overflow to the array, move them back to cache when there is room.


Normally, those shares would be on cache, but since you don't have cache, and since these shares are created automatically if they don't exist whenever you enable Docker and VM Manager, these have been recreated on disk1 with new data. (You really should disable Docker and VM Manager until you get your server stable again.)


All the shares you have now are currently on disk1, and since you don't have cache we don't know what might have been there. What I can tell though, is that you didn't configure any other shares to stay on cache. This is what you have (anonymized)

appdata                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on disk1
domains                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on disk1
isos                              shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk1
N----r                            shareUseCache="no"      Exists on disk1
system                            shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on disk1
S---------s                       shareUseCache="no"      Exists on disk1

Those that say "prefer" would have had files on cache but whatever files they have now is simply the result of recreating Docker/VM. The isos share "yes" might have had files on cache, but they would have been moved to the array already. The "no" shares would not have put files on cache unless you specifically used a path to cache instead of a user share path.


If you had configured any shares other than this, then they would appear in this list, but they would say "Exists on no disks" if they are now gone. But, I don't see anything like that.



What do you think is missing?


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14 hours ago, trurl said:

If you had configured any shares other than this, then they would appear in this list, but they would say "Exists on no disks" if they are now gone. But, I don't see anything like that.


What do you think is missing?

So the current share that I created, N----r, is not the original share that is missing.  In an act of desperation I recreated the original missing share that went by the same name.  It had various documents, pictures, and videos on it.  That is what is missing.  So I cannot say for sure that it had the setting listed above. 


I guess I will pull drives and run data recovery on them.  Then try to rebuild the system.  I will also try to RMA the original cache SSD.

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3 hours ago, odachiman said:

recreated the original missing share

That could not have helped get any data back.


User Shares are simply the combined top level folders on all array and pools.


If you create a user share in the webUI, Unraid will create a top level folder named for the share on array or pools, as needed and in accordance with settings for the share.


Conversely, if you create a top level folder on array or pool, it is automatically a user share named for the folder. A user share created in this way will have default settings unless you change them.


If array or pools had top level folders named for your user share with files in them, then it would have been a user share already. Since it didn't, there wasn't a user share by that name.


When you created a new user share by that name, there wouldn't be any files there until you put some there.

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  • 2 months later...

OK.  Here we are months later.  I sent the failed SSD to a data recovery specialist and got all the missing data.  So it would seem that I had cache preferred for the missing files.  Then I sent the drive to the manufacture for RMA and got a new one.  Now I have the NAS back together and running.  Attached are the diagnostics


At this point, I just need to rebuild the system, right?  Thanks!


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