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[SOLVED]Yet ANOTHER...'Replacing Drives' Question

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So...I won't use disk5, as trurl cautions; I'll put a 3T drive, I had previously copied and removed back in.


And this is the CLONE...


12 hours ago, JonathanM said:

dd if=/dev/sd(source) of=/dev/sd(destination) bs=1M conv=noerror,sync


Do this with array on or off? Do I need to do anything, to the RECEIVING disk...before running this command?

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2 hours ago, CDLehner said:

Is there somewhere, I can watch progress?

Not really, had you pressed enter yet in that screenshot? I was thinking the blinking cursor would be at the beginning of the first blank line after you press enter.


If you haven't hit enter yet, you could add status=progress to the command, separated by a space of course.

dd if=/dev/sdi of=/dev/sdf bs=1M conv=noerror,sync status=progress


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Hmm: when I walked in to check on this...the 1st thing I've been looking at, is the drive activity light on the slot I know I'm pulling from. NO LIGHT.


I was happy, to see this...meaning it seemed to be done; but, of course...as you can see...some errors.


What do we think gents?



Edited by CDLehner
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3 hours ago, CDLehner said:

I was happy, to see this...meaning it seemed to be done; but, of course...as you can see...some errors.


What do we think gents?

Looks good. The "error" is expected, we didn't tell dd when to quit, so it just ran until it got to the end of the device.


Now run

reiserfsck --scan-whole-partition --rebuild-tree /dev/sdf1

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